Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Last weekend I went over to Ken and Brad's new place, bearing proudly the chocolate cheesecake before me, which I laid down my Saturday morning to bake. We hung around and waited for Max and Michelle to show up, then barbecued the heck out of some stuff. We headed down to the Torchlight Parade and found a great spot on the balcony of the new and yet unfinished City Hall. It was a great view, up from the crowds. I managed to finally break my $500 camera, so I'm a bit hacked off. I think I may now have a reason to break down and buy a C-8080 or a D-70, both of which I've been slobbering over for some time now. The parade was fun, and we headed back to Ken's for drinks. He has the best home bar I've ever seen, and I took serious advantage of it. The guest room is great, easily as nice as some B&Bs I've seen. Private bath, veranda with teak furniture, comfy bed, and so on. I woke up around 8, showered and headed upstairs for a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and apple crisp before heading home to mow my lawn and do home work. Woo hoo!

And that was my Seafair weekend.

Work has been interesting... or something. I'm trying to get all of my process documentation in order for my replacement while trying to learn a new job and keep up with the old one. In updating all of the information, I'm finding that there is a huge amount of work to teach our new victim, and it is going to be a minor nightmare for the unlucky soul. Oh well. It will pay their bills. They're just fortunate they won't have to answer to the slack-jawed yokel currently in charge. On the other hand, they'll probably have to babysit her like I have been for four and a half years. (Don't get me wrong - she isn't inbred white hillbilly trash. She's just... kinda glazed over if you use words over a fourth-grade level.)

I've discovered two new bands. Well, they're new to me. Embrace and The Arcade Fire. Oh, and British Sea Power. And Super Furry Animals! That's more than two. Get over it. And Anna Nalick! Sorry, they just keep coming to me.

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