I found something in my kitchen today that I did not know that I had.
When I bought my house, the kitchen cabinets were painted a Kelly green. As you can see in the picture at left, they are no longer green. Now, I like green, but you have to consider something here. The entire front of my house is essentially one room - kitchen, dining room, living room. The dining room and the living room were the color scheme you see above, while the kitchen cabinets were green. It clashed horribly. My first weekend in the house, I stripped and repainted all of the cabinets. I added the molding later.
However, the previous owners had done more than paint the kitchen cabinets green. They also painted over the copper hardware (Criminals! Blasphemers! You never paint copper hardware! That's like carpeting over hardwood!) and put some contact paper inside the kitchen cabinets that was essentially a mixed fruit tapestry print. Every now and then, I get a bee in my bonnet and clean out a cabinet and rip out the contact paper. It isn't easy - I think the stuff was in there for years - so I'm never in a hurry to spend time on that. I can't see it all of the time, so I ignore it.
For some reason, today I decided it was a good day to rip all of the contact paper out of the big cabinet over the stove. I've been in and out of that cabinet a lot lately because I cook so much, and I think I was seeing too much of that crap. I got a chair and got up there and started ripping things out.
And I found...
A food processor! Woo hoo! Now I don't have to buy one!
The question is this: how did I not know I had a food processor? And why did I not see it sooner? I think it was on the top shelf behind some other things. It is amazing what you can find when you go through your cabinets.
Now I just need to find a crock pot and a million dollars.
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