Doug Savage doesn't know it, but in his daily comic "Savage Chickens," he routinely parodies my life.
<--Vis, exhibit 1.
In other news, I managed to wrangle myself a three-day July 4th weekend. Most of the office will have the standard Saturday-Sunday weekend combo, a day at work, then the 4th off. In case you haven't checked your calendar this year, the 4th is a Tuesday. I, in my uniqueness, have managed to get that Monday off, in exchange for working on the 4th. Sure, I'll be working for no extra pay on a holiday, but there are multiple bonuses to this. I get a three day weekend, which is important enough to me that I feel that I should reiterate it. I also get to work uninterrupted for an entire day at my busiest time (quarter end) without having to sacrifice a weekend day just to be productive. I haven't done anything on the 4th in several years becuase I just don't care enough to bother with the staying up too late, the driving in late-night drunken traffic, and trying to drag myself in to work the next day. Parking is free on holidays, so I can come in at some absolutely ungodly hour (I'm thinking 3:30 or 4 am) and leaving at noon to avoid the traffic problems. It will seriously rock, as far as days in the office can rock.
So what am I going to do with a three-day weekend? I can sum it up in three words. Hiking hiking hiking! I'm thinking the goats at Tuck and Robin have been without me long enough, and by July I'll be in good enough condition to brave the so-called trail to one of my favorite little wonderlands. It is going to be SO HOT up there in July. But hey, that's what alpine lakes are all about!
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