Thursday, May 25, 2006

Oh, the irony...

My replacement threatened recently to quit her job. She blamed me. She said that I was rude to her whenever she asked me questions.
That validity of that accusation has been slightly rent asunder by a recent development. My officemate told me today that she is glad we all have to go to a seminar titled "How To Work With People" because my replacement is rude to her whenever she asks her questions. My officemate is not the complaining type. She's one of the happiest, friendliest, most accepting people I've met in a long time, and for her to feel that she is being treated unfairly is not in character. That makes my replacement look rather bad in light of the fact that she accused me of the very same thing to her. You'd think that if she doesn't want to be treated that way, she wouldn't do it to others.  
Vengence is mine!

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