Good lord, I can't believe it is only Tueday, June 19th. I'm desperately awaiting a good time to go camping, but the snow is still pretty rampant in all of the places I'm dying to be. I am hoping that over this weekend I'll do a hike that will put me in a campsite about 10 feet from a frozen lake. The trail is still pretty bad, but I figure that will keep the hoards away. Unfortunately, that will probably also keep the whistling marmots underground. The weather between now and then is going to be good, so I'm counting on some major snowmelt between now and Saturday morning. I was going to do this particular hike over the Fourth of July, but I've decided that no matter where I go that weekend, I won't need three days, so it won't matter where I go. I just want this particular hike to have good weather, and the forecast is looking reasonable for this weekend, so I'm going to do it early. On the other hand, there's another trail I'm waiting to hear more about. Som eone did it this weekend, and I emailed him to ask for more info and pictures to see if it is worth the trip up.
We once again have an "us against them" faction at work. This time, it is me and my officemate against the office whiner, who we will refer to going forward as "creepy eyebrow lady," or CEL. (CEL waxes her eyebrows OFF and draws them in about halfway between her natural eyebrow line and her eyelid, giving her a permanent glowering, beady-eyed look.) She's the one who whined about being in the office that I now happily occupy. She complained about the light. About the warmth. About my officemate, who apparently makes faces that CEL doesn't like when she is communicating. (Have you ever noticed how expressive deaf people are when they are signing? CEL was offended by that.) She also complained about my officemate making too much noise, which is terribly ironic in that CEL is the most chatty person I think I've ever worked with. She complained that I stand with my arms crossed. (I do that because letting my arms hang at my sides hurts my elbows.) She complained about my voice, fo r crying out loud - again, terribly ironic coming from someone in her 40s who talks babytalk to her coworkers because she thinks she's being cute and is just generally nasal when she speaks normally. She has repeatedly gone to the boss to whine, and ultimately it ended up with the entire department going to a conference last Friday called "How to Work with People." Do you think she learned anything about her own behavior? No, because she doesn't think that she is a problem. Now she's playing dumb because she doesn't want to do something that she doesn't know how to do and doesn't want to ask someone that she perceives as being "below" her (me, the known "expert" on that position, and a staff accountant - she's deluded) how to do, so I have to tell her without her asking me, which is going to piss her off and she's going to go to the boss and whine that I'm telling her how to do her job. Fun, no? Uh huh. You see, this is the kind of crap that makes me wish I could be a total r ecluse.
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