Wednesday, July 13, 2005

You, too, can be a victim if you only try hard enough!

My "supervisor" came in today, absolutely breathless to tell her co-workers about the latest tragedy in her life.

Just for clarity, I must add that she has no tragedy in her life. She's only happy when she has something to complain about. It is all about her family's problems. Her nearly blind dying mother. Her crackhead son. Her Omarosa-like sister in a marriage of money. Her promiscuous artist sister. Her sex-addicted son that likes abuse from women. Her crackhead son's dirt-stupid drugged-up girlfriend. Her crackhead son's latest illegitimate child and the abuse she suffers at the hands of her parents. Take your pick. I only feel free to mention these people's personal problems because the "supervisor" broadcasts them around the office with impunity, so no harm done.

So this is her latest tragedy. Apparently there was nothing happening on the family front, so she had to find another way to portray herself as a victim. She was on the way home from work yesterday and there was a fatality traffic accident that kept her from getting to her hair appointment. So sad.

Fatality traffic accident. Hair appointment.

You know, even in my head, I can't keep the sneer out of my voice when I re-read that.

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