Friday, April 14, 2006

Holy crap. (No pun intended.)

This is one of the more frightening news items to reach me in recent memory. Iran's president is vowing 'Rotten Israel will be annihilated'. Soon. This, on the heels of their announcement that they have managed to sucessfully enrich uranium, a necessary component of nukes.

My assessment? This is an extreme example of the swinging dick syndrome. In most cases, it is harmless. Body building, Trans Ams, and power tool envy leap to mind. This is common across all species. Male peacocks and their feathers, male gorillas and their chest beating, elks and their racks, and so on. Most men can't compete with each other in any extremely physical way with the exception of things like rugby, boxing, and the Ultimate Fighting Championship. What makes this so much worse, in my estimation, is that so many people have so much to lose over what amounts to an argument that simplifies down to "My imaginary friend is bigger than your imaginary friend and we're gonna kick yer ass." This is not an argument that I can respect.

Why can't everyone grow up? I've gone my whole life without killing anyone over religious or philosophical differences (not that I haven't been tempted...), and considering my temperment I don't know why everyone else can't do the same. And believe me, if I was the type to try to kill people off over religious or philosophical differences, about 99.999999999984% (I did the math) of our species would be wiped out. I prefer to take a more relaxed attitude, a "live and let live" attitude, and just try to mind my own business and try not have any adverse affect on anyone. Do you know how much happier we could all be if we just lived our own lives rather than trying to justify our own existence by either forcing everyone to comply with us so that we don't have to question our own beliefs or killing them off if they don't agree with us?

I say we put the Iranian president in the ultimate fighter ring with a challenger from Israel and see how long his god protects him. The winner gets a really big belt buckle and a victory lap around the ring on the arm of a bimbo in a bikini. The loser gets free medical care.

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