Tuesday, June 27, 2006

One thing leads to another

Have you ever felt that the universe was conspiring to keep you from getting to work on time? I got up late because my alarm clock didn't go off. I still made it out of the house only 4 minutes late. In a brilliant last minute decision, I took a left instead of a right, avoiding the construction holdup, only to get stuck on the wrong side of the train tracks when a freight train passed. I finally made it across the tracks, only to be stopped by traffic that was mysteriously not moving through the green light. I cut across a curb and a parking lot because at that point it was 6:16, and I catch a 6:17 train. I whipped into the parking garage only to be blocked by someone attempting to back their stupid SUV into a spot that was too narrow for a driver with no parking skills. I finally got by her and parked and made it to the platform barely in time. Luckily the train was 2 minutes late or I would never have made it.

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