Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The influence of co-workers

Random office bizarreness.
One of my co-workers brought lychees to work. I'd never seen them before, but I had tried lychee juice and I really liked it. They look like chestnuts, feel like tangerines once you get the peel off, and taste a little like coconut juice. Very light and refreshing.
Another co-worker has developed a sudden fascination with death and pictures of corpses and accident victimes because yet another co-worker told her that he used to be a mortician. Now we're trying to out-gross each other finding pictures of dead people on the Internet. It isn't hard, believe me. She even found a website that shows all of the recent prisoner beheadings in the Middle East. Yikers. We have in common that the dead people don't bother us, but neither of us can even look at anything suggestive of animal cruelty without wanting to bawl like a baby.
Yet another co-worker saw me this morning and gasped, and said, "I'm so glad you're OK! I had a dream last night that you died!" Well, if nothing else, it is nice to know that someone will be upset if I die. I tend to labor under the impression that nobody gives me a second thought once I'm out of their line of sight. Apparently the dream event took place around my birthday, so I'll be sure to be extra careful on my three-day birthday hike this year. If I recall correctly, there are myriad opportunities to plummet to my doom on that particular trail. Last time I did it, I broke all of my damn fingernails off. It is a very, shall we say, "interactive" trail.

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