Thursday, June 22, 2006

Plans so cunning you could put tails on them and call them weasels.

This week, the universe appears to be conspiring against my cunning plan to regain my health and youthful glow. Every day, someone brings something irresistible into the office. Monday was Rum Cake. Tuesday was doughnuts. Wednesday, well, that was my fault entirely, becuase I stupidly went to Uwajimaya for a "snack." Today, doughnuts again. Lousy bastards. I know, I could just not eat them, but since I'm unwilling to spend my own money on these things this is the only way I can get them. All I want for Christmas is more self-control. This isn't really affecting my health, but it still gripes me that I have such a fixation on junk food. Mmm, sugar...
On the stalker front, I have devised a cunning plan to avoid interaction. I think I figured out why this guy bothers me so much. Let me digress for a moment. He may not know I exist. Maybe he's just one of those people with no recognizable social skills who glares at people without knowing he's doing it. They aren't rare around here, what with all of the drug addicts and homeless people. On the paranoid hand, he watches me as though I look exactly like someone who did him a terrible wrong at some point in his life (mommy? wife? prom queen? random woman on the street? babysitter?) and he's wondering how it is that he killed me, skinned me, ate me, and buried my in-edible remains in his crawlspace, and yet, curse the gods, I'm on his train. I'm simply going to get on a different car from now on. If he starts showing up on that car, I'll change cars again. If he shows up in that car, I'll take a later train to work and let him have his stupid train. If he shows up on a different train, I'm going to drive to freakin' Issaquah and take a bus. That'll teach him.


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