Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Memorial Day Weekend
The only things of note that I did involved hiking. I did another loop on Cougar Mountain on Saturday. It was pouring and quite cold, but I was one of the only people on the mountain. It was raining so hard that I was afraid to take my camera out, which is a shame. It was very wet and foggy, and it was beautiful, but I didn't want to wreck my camera to get pictures.
Monday I hiked up Rattlesnake Ledge. It has been two years since I did that one. I used to go up it two or three times a week while I was training to do the Enchantments in August 2004. I had forgotten what a nice little hike it was. I started up very early so that I could miss the crowds that I knew would eventually show up. I got to the top in an hour and managed to catch a full 3-minute sunbreak before it started to rain.
As nice as it was, I may not do it again for a while, unless it is after work. Some of the bigger weekend trails are becoming available as the snow melts. I just found out this morning that the trail to Nada Lake in the Leavenworth area is totally snow free, and you don't need a permit until July to camp there. That makes me wonder what other Eastern Washington mountain trails are snow-free. I plan to spend the Fourth of July weekend at Lila Lake, and at least three days in August at Robin Lake for my birthday, and I know they'll be snow free by then but I'd like to do a few difficult day hikes before then to make sure that I can carry a 30-pound pack up the 5 or 6 miles to a campsite. I could easily do either of those hikes without the pack, but carrying that much excess weight up those long, steep trails is a little different. The trail to Lila is notorious among local hikers. It has the reputation of having the worst mile of trail in the Cascades, gaining 1300 feet of eleva tion in a mile. And that's the fourth mile of the trail! It looks like a ladder of roots and rocks. Not fun, especially with a heavy pack altering your center of gravity. But I'm going to do it. There's a meadow filled with whistling marmots near the lake, and I'm hoping to finally get some good marmot pictures this year.
Otherwise, my long weekend was essentially wasted. I did no homework or studying. I slept a lot. I watched seasons 2 and 3 of Scrubs on DVD. I think that covers it. It was nice. I look forward to doing it again someday.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Oh, the irony...
I miss all of the fun
Monday, May 22, 2006
I love maps!

My officemate found this fantastic resource. You can download a map of Cougar Mountain! Yes, I'm a geek. I dig my maps. But hey, I never get lost.
Its like a people aquarium!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Cougar Mountain

After resting at the peak for a minute or two, I headed back down.

Friday, May 19, 2006
I'm not who I am
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Sold or taken over?
My company is in flux. Granted, most companies these days have their challenges, but many are not under threat as mine is. First of all, the stockholders are pissed off because of continuing losses. Granted, the losses get smaller and the revenues get bigger each year, but all they see is that they cannot make a million if they sell their shares. We've lost three executives in the last month, and there's another one on the way out shortly. There's also word that the board of directors is actively searching for a new CEO. This may not bode well for the company. On the other hand, it could be a great thing. We could get bought out, we could go private, we could be taken over, we could end up with a great CEO who creates a successful business plan and rescues all of us from our thousands of underwater shares. Whatever happens, I'm sure that I'll come out of it OK. It may be rough and scary, but I've always landed on my feet before, financially speaking. (Emotionally, not so much. T hat is why I gave up dating for Lent about 5 years ago and never got back into it. But I digress...) I have a friend who knows a recruiter who is always looking for accounting people, so I may actually come out way ahead. I stand, currently, to get about five months severance if I lose my job, and if I'm employed elsewhere nearly immediately, all will be well. That five months could pay off my student loans! That would just about rock. Not that I want to lose my job, or even to get a new one, but that would leave me in a very good position. I just hope that in my next job, I still get a window and my iPod.
The love affair continues
Friday, May 12, 2006
Room with a view
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Monochromatic Oink
I spoke with my new officemate about the furniture arrangement. She's currently crowded into one corner of the office, so as soon as the other two people are out of the way we're going to rearrange her furniture so that she has half of the office and I have half. That's only fair, right? There is one minor problem though. At some points during the day, the sun really glares on her monitor, so they've rigged up a sun screen of sorts using - of all things - orange "out" cards that you use to indicate that a file is missing from a drawer. It is truly ugly. I went over to Uwajima to see if they had anything that would work better and/or look better. I found one or two solutions , but I have others in mind, for which I'll have to hit a few department stores.
On the other hand, I found things that I totally did not go over there for but I medically needed them. One is a midnight blue tea pot. I like to buy loose tea, brew it by the pot, and get all hyped up on it. There's a tea shop nearby to feed this new addiction. Another thing I found is a Japanese tea cup with The Great Wave on it. The third thing is... harder to explain.

And speaking of spending too much money on crap. Uwajimaya currently has about a thousand really cool things that I really like, but have nowhere to put them or money with which to acquire them. For example, paper lanterns with a water colored cherry blossom design. Night lights with Japanese artwork on them. Kimonos. (Well, maybe I do need one of those... someday.) A Samurai helmet. All kinds of food I've never tried. Chopsticks. Sake sets. I could go on and on, but you should probably just pay them a visit. You've got to see the stuff to truly covet it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Fun with tofu
Sweet dreams are made of cheese
If you have trouble sleeping,
Careful what you ask for...
It never ceases to amaze me how things work out unintentionally. It also never ceases to amaze me how they don't work out, but that's another topic entirely.
Work kinda drives me a little crazy. I'm not a people person. I don't like being surrounded all day long with people who want to chat about things that I really don't care about, and I'm not good at hiding it. There are some people who irritate me endlessly, so I work with them as well as I can and try to ignore their garbage and move on. On the other hand, if I irritate someone, they go crying to my boss. If I went crying to my boss every time one of them wrecked my day with their crap, none of us would ever get anything done. (That's what blogs are for, anyway.) I don't understand why I am expected to change who I am to make them happy, but they won't do the same for me, and I'm a shade resentful about it.
For example, my latest replacement threatened to quit. She blamed me. She has talked to me about one thing in the last month, and it was a month ago, so it seems like scapegoating to me. Our boss talked her out of it, but they expect me to baby her through yet another month-end close to keep her happy. Read these instructions and see if they make sense: copy this, paste it here; copy that, paste it there; change that month to this month; save the file. Clear, correct? I doubt it can be easier. Yet, I have to stand over her and pat her on the head and encourage her. I think that is a bit ludicrous. She has 15 years of age and experience on me, so why can't she act like a competent adult?
Additionally, she has been going on and on about how miserable her work conditions are. She has a window office and half the workload that I had in that position when I had no window office, yet she feels overworked and that it is unfair that I only work 9 hours a day when she has to work 11 hours. When I was in that position, I worked four 10-hour days, and I had twice the work. Do I sound sympathetic to her plight? No. Why? Because I am not.
Her complaining finally paid off for me in some respect. They are taking the two accounts payable people out of the big window office and putting them in cubes, and they are moving me into the big window office with our other staff accountant. The funny thing is that this arrangement will not solve her complaints. She goes on about how people come in to talk to the other AP person and it is too distracting. When she moves back into the cube farm, she will be able to hear about a dozen or more people talking all day long, not to mention that a few of them are unbelievably loud and like to shout at each other over the cube walls. There are people walking past all day long, so rather than seeing only the people who come into the office, she will see everyone. She complains about how bright and hot it is in there, but it is cold and dark in the cube farm. I doubt that anything will ever make her happy, but if I get a window office out of t he deal, I am happy.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Junk food versus working out
I decided before my trip to Oregon that my weight training routine had gotten too easy. I took the week off from working out, and when I started up again I started with 5 pound weights instead of 3 pound weights. I can still get all the way through the workout even after nearly doubling the weights, but boy, do my arms shake by the end. Not to mention that I'm pretty stiff from it. That will go away in another day or two. I am committed (nay, obsessed!) to getting back in the shape I was in a few years ago, so I'm going to keep it up until I have to add another pound or two of weights. I don't want to get all bulky though. I'm nearly 6 feet tall in my shoes, so the last thing I need is to start looking like a bodybuilder, which on me translates to looking like a guy who doesn't know how to feminize himself when he's in drag. Sure, I have long hair and such, but I also have broader shoulders than most women because of the Norwegian side of the family, and it can translate as masculine to the less observant among us. I really don't need that kind of mystique surrounding me.
So disturbing...
Apparently there's an actual reason for it. From the train, I saw a billboard suggesting that one of the triggers for MS is the climate. I Googled it, as I am wont to do, and yes, climate is a trigger for MS.
Score one for me. I'm not as dense as I thought I might be.
Monday, May 01, 2006
ASS out of U and ME
- Though we have community kitchens, there are those who feel that they are not required to participate in the communal responsibilities, such as rinsing out the sink and the sponge after use, replacing empty paper towel rolls, making a new pot of coffee when they empty the old one, wiping up their microwave oven messes, and opening a new box of plastic silverware after taking the last one. I'm sure that every office has these people in one incarnation or another.
- Even worse, we had a charming female employee who developed a habit of wiping boogers on the bathroom wall.
- I've seen gum on the ceiling, which made me wonder just how hard you have to throw a wad of gum to make it stick to acoustic tiling 10 feet over your head.
- And to top them all off, our men's and women's locker rooms were vandalized a few months ago, probably by the same person. Now we have to sign up to use them and have our card key coded for access to them.
My new assumption? From Profe Noteboom of North Kitsap High School, I learned in 1986 the following saying in Spanish: Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. Though the monkey is dressed in silk, she is still a monkey. I think it applies nicely, and it is always fun to invoke the power of monkeys.
I assumed that missing four days of the last work week would leave me with a pile of work to do when I got back. Wrongo bongo. I've already gotten through it all. I'm bored already. Maybe more cookies will help the boredom go away.